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Tips from Crystal Palace Yarns - Straw Into Gold

Knitting Tips Links - some good places to find How-To


Russian Join: A way to join yarns that leaves no ends to weave in later and no double thickness.
Photo sequence: http://www.knittinganyway.com/freethings/russianjoin.htm
Video How-to: http://www.knittinghelp.com/videos/knitting-tips
Photo sequence:

YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oCmosL-Ggc

Provisional Cast On
Lucy Neatby video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3J-sUx_whE
Video with Waste Yarn:
Stitch Diva photos: www.stitchdiva.com/custom.aspx?id=48
For lots more: Put "how to provisional cast on" in Google

Applied I-Cord: Sometimes it's great to make your I-cord attached to the knitting as you go. We use this in 2 patterns here: the English Garden Bag and the Trio Tote Bag. This site has a good photo explanation for those who want visuals.

Making I-Cord: A video of making 2-strand I-cord is midway down this page.

Decreases and Increases - the looks and how-to
Are you confused about which dec and inc technique to use - this handy sampler photo shows all the styles and how they look. Nicely done!

Kitchener Stitch: Theresa Vinson Stenersen's instructions on both her own site and at knitty.com

Knitting at Knoon Designs by Chris de Longpré
Some very interesting short videos of various techniques. I found the Cross Over Cable a very interesting technique.

Sewing a Flat Seam
Using a flat seam to join pieces of knitting is especially useful for avoiding a thick, bulky seam when working with chunky weight yarns. We suggest using it in our Nubbles-Iceland Tweed Jacket.
Photo How-To: http://www.studioknits.com

Mattress Stitch - Sewing it All together
The Mattress St is another method of doing a smooth, flat seam. Here is Theresa Vinson Stenersen's article at knitty.com

"Combined Knitting" Technique
I have knit this way for more than 35 years and had only found one other person who did (a knitter born in Chile and taught by her Polish nanny!) - but here it is, my fast knitting method written with excellent clarity by Annie Modesitt. The important part of this method of knitting is the Very Fast purling. The only "problem" is that you have to remember your stitches are "backwards" compared to the rest of the knitting world, but the speed is well worth it! I never understood why knitters doing Continental Style complained about how slow purling is. It's as fast as knit stitch using this technique. ~ Susan

And here are some more photos of this technique by Theresa V. Stenersen

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