Crystal Palace RAVE is a fringed, ultra lustrous ribbon with a silky, soft feel when
Knit it alone at 1.75 - 3 sts/inch or use it as a trim with other yarns for a dressy look.
The color range is wide and includes some hot, traffic stopping neon colors and
And, as with all Crystal Palace Yarns, the price is very affordable.
RAVE is made of the same special nylon fiber as our popular PARTY Ribbon and
many of the colors coordinate, too = A total of 18 prints and 9 solid colors.
RAVE is a new yarn for Fall '05 and is due to arrive in late July-early August.
Ask your local knitting shop to put it in stock for you.
The colors are even more vivid and shining than they appear in this scan below.
Retail shops in the USA should contact CPY Wholesale for information on
purchasing Crystal Palace Yarns.

Crystal Palace Yarns, 160 23rd Street, Richmond, CA 94804
phone: 510-237-9988, fax: 510-237-9809
Email: cpyinfo -at- (replace the
-at- with @)
Last revision of this page
March 21, 2012