This page is
specially for Mo'fo Fans in the San Francisco Bay Area:
Looking for the new CD: Finally Over ?
If you werent at the Record Release
Party and you want to buy one of the Mofessionals'
new CDs in the Bay area, they are available at: Amoeba
& Straw Into Gold in Berkeley and soon
will be on the on the under
racks at Tower Records (8 locations),
The Wherehouse (5 locations), Sam
Goody (5 locations), Borders ( in
Union Square), Rasputin (Berkeley)
The Mos Need Your
Help - Make some phone calls for us !
Major labels pay companies with paid
"callers" to phone the radio stations and make
requests. But, doing a record without a label means no
publicity unless we do our own - and ask our fans
for help. Weve sent CDs to most
of the radio stations in the Bay Area - we hope youll
call these request numbers and ask your favorite DJs to
play it! Print out and cut out this phone list, tape it by
your phone and call and ask to hear cuts from Finally
Over. If the stations hear from you itll
get played. Thanks !
Live105 - 415-478-5453
415-478-5635 |
KMEL - 415-398-2072 |
KFOG - 800-300-KFOG
fax: 415-329-5364 |
Wild107 - 415-478-5953
or 510-762-5953 |
KALX - 510-642-1111 |
KPFA - 510-848-4425 |
Call & let us know if a station
not on our list wants a CD
at 510-849-3716 |
& KFJC |
the Mo'Cat on the Nose to go back to Mo'fo Home Page
Mo'fo Cat designed by Russell